Welcome to Mindsights Albums for Family and Friends!
I was lucky enough to be part of our high school's junior/senior trip to the Soviet Union in the Spring of 1973. My Dad graciously "loaned" me his old Asahi Pentax single-lense reflex camera for the trip. That wonderful camera became a dear friend for the next twenty-seven years and traveled with me to college, saw many sunsets from Sauratown Mountain, went to Wyoming and Colorado, Hawaii (twice), the Napali Coast on Kauai (twice), and to Europe. The camera finally ceased to function in the spring of 2000. For the next six years, I had to settle for disposable cameras during a cruise of the Caribbean in 2003 and a trip to Scottsdale, AZ in 2005. |
Then for my birthday in 2006, my Mom treated me to a Nikon D–50. Already this wonderful digital camera has traveled along with me to
Wyoming (thrice),
Spain and Italy, to North Carolina several times, and to Bethany Beach, DE many times. And as I have noted elsewhere, images captured using this camera now appear on my greeting cards, my prints, and my calendar—and, of course, in these Web sites!
But my favorite thing to do with this camera is to take pictures of
family and friends when gathered together to celebrate special times in special places. Many thanks to family members and friends for sharing this wonderful life with me!
Check out the "My Next BIG Projects" Web Page for what Mindsights Albums for Family and Friends will be working on in the months to come. Do enjoy! |