Of The Green And Of The Gold—Introduction
What a shock mankind had when evidence of an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization was found on Aurillia, a small planet orbiting Lalande 21185, a Type M red dwarf star 8.3 light years from Earth. Once all of the excitement died down following this discovery, all sorts of scientists were eager to be the first to study this or that about the new world and its very unique life forms. Jarka Moosha was an exosociologist and was one of the lucky ones chosen to visit Aurillia. What he found there was quite unbelievable. |
You see, all Aurillians were identical in appearance. The only known difference that had been immediately apparent to the first explorers from Earth was that roughly half of the Aurillians wore garments that were green and the other half wore garments that were gold. |
Have you ever wondered what society might be like if there were virtually no differences between everyone? Jarka Moosha is about to find out. |
This story is the fifth chapter in a collection of short stories titled "Seven Sides Of Self—Stories". The collection was published on November 05, 2019 (by She Writes Press).
Check it out! |