Welcome to Mindsights for Family and Friends!
What's New

New entries will be listed here as they are posted.

Posting of photos from the Trip to Scottsdale, Arizona (April/May 2024)

Posting of photos from the Trip to Sedona, Arizona (April 2024)

Posting of photos from the Trip to Flamouth, Maine (July 2023)

Posting of photos from the Aunt Betty's 93rd Birthday (October 2013)

Posting of photos from the Aunt Betty's Memorial Service (December 2013)

Posting of photos from the Trip to Englewood, Florida (January 2019)

Posting of photos from the Trip to Ireland (September/October 2017)

Posting of photos from the Sojourn to Colorado/Wyoming (September/October 2016)

Updating the Mindsights Albums Web Site
Posting of additional photos from the Europe Trip (March 1979)
Posting of photos from the Hilton Head Island Trip (March 1978)
Posting of photos from the St. Thomas, VI Trip (May 1977)
Posting of photos from the Hilton Head Island Trip (March 1977)

Posting of a photograph of my Dad aboard the USS Enterprise (November 07, 2013)

Tribute to USS Enterprise (located in "Tributes") (December 18, 2012)
Reorganization of the Tributes Web Page, (December 18, 2012)

Tribute to One Watchwater Way (located in "Tributes") (September 01, 2012)

Favorite Places (Lake Front Property—High Rock Lake, NC) (October 29, 2011)
Special Trips Photographs (Trip to Spain and Italy—September 2011) (October 05, 2011)

Posting of a Tribute to Aunt Jean (1924–2009)

Special Trips Photographs (Trip to Germany—July 2007) (July 21, 2007)
Revision of Favorite Shots (July 21, 2007)

Return Trip to Kauai, HI (September 1994) (March 23, 2007)

Addition of more photographs of "Laura and Carolyn" (January 12, 2007)
Updating various sections with additional photographs (January 06, 2007)

Addition of Photographs of Mom's 75th Birthday Celebration (October 14, 2006)
Addition of Photographs of Laura and Carolyn (October 05, 2006)

Kalalau Valley—Kauai, HI (February 1979) Photographs) (September 26, 2006)
Addition of photographs of the Trip to Wyoming (November 1978) (September 23, 2006)
Addition of more Nature photographs (September 22, 2006)
Addition of photographs of the Trip to Europe (March 1979) (September 22, 2006)
Addition of photographs of North Carolina (September 21, 2006)

Special Events Photographs (August 09, 2006)

Special Trips Photographs
(Pilgrimage to Wyoming—June 2006) (July 08, 2006)

Special Trips Photographs
(Pilgrimage to Wyoming—June 2006) (June 26, 2006)

Special Trips Photographs
(Trip to Arizona—May 2005) (March 12, 2006)

It is with great sadness that I inform those of you who do not already
know that I lost my father on October 16, 2005 due to complications
from Hodgkin�s Lymphoma.  This accounts for the fact that I did not
place anything new on this Web site during the months of October and
November 2005.  I have posted a tribute to my father on his Web site—
www.prosstars.com.  Please take a moment to visit the site.

Nature Shots (September 19, 2005)

Do enjoy!

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Copyright © 2025  Nancy Joie Wilkie  All Rights Reserved

Site Last Updated:  January 02, 2025
Site Re-Design Date:  May 07, 2011
Site Launch Date:  August 22, 2005
Site Start Date:  May 14, 2005

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