For My Daughters—The Other Half Of Your Heritage
Heritage Web Page
Family Trees
Family Stories—John and Gail
Family Stories—Karl and Beatrice
Family Trees
Click here to view a family tree containing your parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. |
Click here to view a family tree containing my paternal grandparents and their ancestors.
A note about this family tree—It traces your heritage back to the American Revolutionary War. Your great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, John Y. Noel, served as an ensign in Captain Ridley's Company, Fourth Virginia Regiment (1777–1778). This makes you eligible to be a Daughter of the American Revolutionary War. |
Click here to view a family tree containing my maternal grandparents and their ancestors.
A note about this family tree—One of your great-great-great grandfathers, Robert Thomson, was the half-brother of William Thomson (Lord Kelvin). Lord Kelvin was famous for his work to determine "abolute zero"—the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases. The Kelvin temperature scale is named after him. Queen Victoria knighted him in 1866 in recognition for his work in thermodynamics. The Thomsons are descendents of John Knox (1505–1572), a famous Scottish Protestant clergyman and religious reformer. |