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Greeting Cards by Mindsights Mediaworks

Click here to continue the tour! Each box of greeting cards contains sixteen (16) assorted cards and sixteen (16) pastel-colored envelopes—the envelope color selected to complement the primary color of the individual card.  The images that appear of the front of these cards are original photographs or experimental imagery created using Adobe Photoshop.  All cards have a brief blirp about the image's origin on the back.  The inside of the cards are either blank or contain a very faint echo of the front artwork (in black and white)—and there's plenty of space for you to provide your own message.  All of these cards are in stock and are also available as boxes containing sixteen (16) copies of any one card (16) and its matching envelope.
Visit the Purchase Web Page for information on how to place an order.
Click on any image to view an enlarged version.
German Architecture

German Architecture
(Cat. No. P101)

Slanted Squares

Slanted Squares
(Cat. No. A108)

Rusty Piers

Rusty Pier
(Cat. No. P103)

Technicolor Guitar

Technicolor Guitar
(Cat. No. A106)

Stained Glass

Stained Glass
(Cat. No. B116)

Pipe Dreams

Pipe Dreams
(Cat. No. A121)

 Glass Stairwell

Glass Stairwell
(Cat. No. A123)

Mountain Village

Mountain Village
(Cat. No. 505A)

Path at Kalalau

Path at Kalalau
(Cat. No. A111)

Slanted Spirals

The Spirallings
(Cat. No. A109)


Cocktails by the Cattails
(Cat. No. P127)

Little Lost Earring

Little Lost Earring
(Cat. No. A122)

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Site Last Updated:  January 02, 2025
Site Re-Design Date:  May 07, 2011
Site Launch Date:  August 22, 2005
Site Start Date:  May 14, 2005

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