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Reviews of Seven Sides Of Self—Stories

Seven Sides Of Self
       Cover design by Tabitha Lahr
  One thing that I had not counted on at the beginning on my journey was the need for a publicist.  Once I found a publisher, I thought that my days of searching for an advocate were over.  I was definitely wrong!

It turns out that having a publicist is essectial to the success of any book.  After eight tries, I  finally did find a publicist—and a darned good one at that!  The folks at Books Forward were excellent.  Below are some of the responses I  received, thanks to them.

This collection was released for sale on November 05, 2019.

Click here to order the book.


This was amazingly written, as each story was connected and really made the reader think about the "Seven Sides of Self."  It was also a reminder about how important it is to be kind to one another.  I cannot wait to read more from this author!  (reviewed by Cristie U,)

October 02, 2019

Let Zygons Be Zygons
I've never quite read a book like this.  I'm not usually into short stories, but these are really entertaining and kind of relatable to me. All in all, this was a quick yet enjoyable read.

October 03, 2019

Dr. J Reads
I can attest that Seven Sides of Self is a beautifully written collection of stories.  Nancy Joie Wilkie is poised in her prose, clean and clear.  I appreciated the mixture of her personal faith, realistic writing, and science fiction in this collection.  What is more, the volume is attractively published and polished.

October 03, 2019

Lovely Bookshelf
The way Nancy Joie Wilkie executed the overarching theme of "Seven Sides of Self" is one of the strongest I've read.  Short story collections don't always have a sense of cohesiveness, but everything about this one, from how it generally fits together into a greater work, all the way down to the tiny threads that connect the stories to each other, was just superb.

"Of the Green and Of the Gold" stood out most for me.  I loved the use of color and an alien society to explore coded transphobia (and briefly, homophobia).  I felt like it stripped away everything superfluous, so that all we are left with is a clear sense of how we should treat one another.

"Perhaps mankind will learn something about itself by studying Aurillia.  Maybe looking in this extraterrestrial mirror will show the stupidity of the artificial boundaries mankind has erected throughout the fiber of its societies."

"Seven Sides of Self" is social sci-fi and gentle fantasy.  These stories are allegories that everyone can relate to in their own way.  It's the kind of book you can read over and over again, always having a new experience.

October 24, 2019

Ladyofthelibrary (13.8K+ followers on Instagram)
I am feeling this book on a spiritual level right now.

November 10, 2019

Fictionaltiff (2,700+ followers on Instagram)
There were two stories that were super powerful and really struck me as relative to my life and present day issues.  One was on the writing process creative thinkers go through and the other explored the importance of putting aside personal opinions and celebrating diversity in each person, no matter their differences. I loved those.

November 12, 2019

Beyond The Trope, Podcast Episode 259
Interview with Nancy
Podcast on Apple
Podcast on Spotify
Podcast on Stitcher

November 14, 2019

The Dr. Joe Show (on WATD)
Scroll down to the POST section—then down just a little bit further to the November 14 post—which starts at 8:11 P.M.—so to listen to me, you need to slide the white dot at the bottom across to the 9:26 mark (or the -39:11 mark to the right)—and there I am!

November 22, 2019

Between the Lines Book Blog
The folks at Between The Lines Book Blog invited me to post a "guest blog."  So ... I wrote about just exactly how it was that I got my first book published!

December 10, 2019

Books Q&A with Deborah Kalb
Deborah Kalb invited me to answer a few questions.

January 20, 2020

Genie In A Book
The folks at Genie In A Book Blog sent me a series of questions.  Click on the above hyperlink to read my answers!

February 08, 2020

Malaprop's Bookstore, Asheville, NC
Two copies of "Seven Sides of Self" are now on the shelf at the renowned Malaprop's Bookstore located in the heart of downtown Asheville, NC.  Thank you, Justin, for taking a agreeing to stock my book!  Much appreciated!

February 09, 2020

Golden State Media Concepts Podcast:  Episode No. 212
The folks at GSMC Podcasts interviewed me on February 05, 2020.  Hyperlinks to all major podcast outlets can be accessed by clicking on the above hyperlink.

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Site Last Updated:  January 31, 2025
Site Re-Design Date:  May 07, 2011
Site Launch Date:  August 22, 2005
Site Start Date:  May 14, 2005

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